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Life with the Father pt.1

Men’s Small Group // November 1, 2021

This is a lesson I prepared for a men’s small group working through the Sermon on the Mount and is based on the book The Sermon on the Mount by Sinclair Ferguson.

Matthew 6:1-18


Warning to the Righteous (v.1)

Big Picture (v.2-18)

Martyn Lloyd-Jones (Sermon on the Mount)

He is everywhere, “Take heed that ye do not your righteousness before men. Why? “Else ye have no reward with your Father which is in heaven.” He sees it all. He knows your heart; other people do not. You can deceive them, and you can persuade them that you are quite selfless; but God knows your heart… I sometimes feel that there is no better way of living, and trying to love, the holy and sanctified life than just to be constantly reminding ourselves of that. When we wake up in the morning we should immediately remind ourselves and recollect that we are in the presence of God. It is not a bad thing to say to ourselves before we go any further: “Throughout the whole of this day, everything I do, and say, and attempt, and think, and imagine, is going to be done under the eye of God. He is going to be with me: He sees everything; he knows everything. There is nothing I can do or attempt but God is fully aware of it all. ‘Thou God seest me.'” It would revolutionize our lives if we always did that.


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